Ok so unfortunately the flu shot is required in missionary work. On Wednesday we had to go to Campeche to get the flu shot but thankfully this time i didnt get sick afterwards like the last time. It also gave me a chance to buy a gorgeous tie that will be perfect for our 8 principios meeting this week. I have the job of teaching receiving revelation through prayer and I really do love these meetings because we can learn so much.
This week was super tiring because we traveled almost every single day. It was also a week of bad luck which might have something to do with the fact that i broke the mirror but it might also be coincidence. On Saturday we went to our pueblito of Libertad and when we tried to come home at night there was no transport so we stayed the night there in an extra house of one of the members there. It was good but we got eaten by mosquitos and we had to get up at 5 in the morning to come back to Escarcega and get ready for church at 8:30 and then go back to Libertad at 3. It was a tiring week with not nearly as many fruits as we had hoped to see but we did what we could and at the end the bad luck was funny.... even when the keys were left inside and we couldnt catch a bus back home to save our lives...:)
Ok and my favorite experiences of the week happened with our investigator that speaks english that is like a gangster that is 20... he honestly reminds me a ton of my friend Richard from Orlando. He told me everytime he prays he starts joking around with God because he likes to talk to him like he would talk to his dad here on earth, and then he told me that God is kinda like your Dad mixed with the weed man because its like... I hope he comes through because ive been asking for a lot hahahhahaha He about killed me when he said that, and then proceeded to tell me that sometimes he joked with God so much and then God joked with him too. He had asked us about the gay 15 year member of the branch named Caliche the week before and then when we went to teach him again this is what he tells us... I have been praying to find a girl, you know, the one and so I decided to try to do all i can to find her. So i heard about the family home evening in the church and so i told God, ok the first girl that talks to me there... its her. So i sit there the whole hour of family home evening, and nobody talks to me. They finish with the prayer and still not one girl had talked to me. I started praying and asking God what happened when I hear this feminine voice in my ear.... Hey, Fernando. And he starts to say, yes baby i love you, you are beautiful, and he turns and sees the gay kid Caliche. He then was like ok God I see how it is... you have a sense of humour too. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH awesome missionary experienceXD
Sorry if that was hard to understand...
Love you all!
Elder Jordan Saunooke
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